

  • 喜剧片蛋糕合唱团

    主演:Efrat Dor Ofer Shechter Denis Sandler Yael Bar-Zohar Dana Ivgy 


    简介:安娜(Dana Ivgy 饰)终日烘焙色彩缤纷的香甜杯形蛋糕抚慰他人,内心却因老公的离家出走而忧郁不已。电视正直播欧洲歌唱选拔大赛预选,姊妹好友们齐聚观看,不忘起哄合唱。没想到同志邻居奥弗(Ofer Shechter 饰)偷偷把大家合唱的片段寄去报名了比赛。更意外的是这个同志和主妇组成的合唱团最后竟被选为了以色列的国家代表队!平凡男女瞬间化身成全国希望,他们究竟是否有可能为国争光?   以色列同志导演伊藤·福克斯一直对歌舞题材情有独钟。强敌环伺的以色列位于亚洲,但在文化上却往往与欧洲拥有更多的认同。新片《蛋糕杯》正是以欧洲歌唱大赛作为背景,展现笑泪交织、奔放热烈的以色列人生,同时对同志、女性等弱势群体给予爱与关怀。

  • 剧情片重生2015

    主演:Aharon Traitel 哈利法·那图尔 Riki Blich Gur Sheinberg Omri Fuhrer Shani Ben-Haim David Ben-Avraham Dani Kedem Zohar Uria Joseph Dahari Gaya Sheinberg Tom Pasler Guy Sidney Oren Arzony Roni A. Tzaig 



  • 剧情片罪孽

    主演:海伦·米伦 杰西卡·查斯坦 塞伦·希德 萨姆·沃辛顿 汤姆·威尔金森 马尔顿·索克斯 加斯帕·克里斯滕森 罗米·阿波拉菲娅 乔纳森·乌泽尔 Tomer Ben David Ohev Ben David Elana Kivity Davenport Eli Zohar 伊伦·波丹 布里吉特·克雷 ?亚历山大·贾格施? Kátya Tompos István G?z Morris Perry 


    简介:由蕾切尔(杰西卡·查斯坦 Jessica Chastain 饰)、斯蒂芬(马尔顿·索克斯 Marton Csokas 饰)和大卫(萨姆·沃辛顿 Sam Worthington 饰)组成的以色列秘密特工小组曾经在效命年间叱咤风云,如今虽已全部退休,却仍然是特工后辈们的偶像。然而功成身退的蕾切尔(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)却始终放不下一个心结,那就是30年前小组千辛万苦追查的一名纳粹战犯沃格尔(加斯帕·克里斯滕森 Jesper Christensen 饰)在关键时刻突然神秘失踪了,使得任务无疾而终。令人意想不到的是,如今小组成员竟然同时得到讯息说沃格尔又重现江湖,三人再次聚首,然而蕾切尔却在秘密调查中意外发现当年的追查报告存在造假嫌疑,这使她开始无法信任两位同事,而各自背后深藏的惊天秘密也如剥茧般渐渐浮出水面……   本片翻拍自2007年的以...

  • 剧情片月亮上的洞

    主演:Arik Lavie Shaike Ophir Avraham Heffner 


    简介:A comic and episodic satire, the film uses improvisation to illustrate the clash between fantasy and reality in real life. Although conceived in the style of Mekas' "Hallelujah the hills" (1962), it's an authentically Israeli satire, an openly rebellious and individualistic expression that poked fun at the sacred myths of earlier zionist films. The technique of film within the film is used to portray cinema as reflection of the imagination, a miracle based on dreams and fantasies that take on concrete characteristics - parallel to the miracle of Israel, the dream that has become reality. Although not a commercial success, its importance is beyond any measure, though it remains a unique experiment, boldly uncommercial and subversive, out of any context in that patriotic, ideological epoch.                                                                      A new immigrant, Tzelnik, arrives at the port of Jaffa. He goes to live in the Negev desert where he opens a kiosk in the middle of nowhere. Mizrachi comes along and opens a competing business across the way. The two make a living by selling to each other. As there is nothing there, they decide to create a world out of their imagination. They build a cardboard film set, which slowly takes on real dimensions- the buildings turn to concrete, people come to audition for parts in the "film" (cinema verité style, with Zohar mocking viciously the pretensions of the "actresses") and builders come to build appartment buildings (mocking the glorification of concrete and  "heroic" settlement). In one sequence, Arab actors come and ask the filmmakers turn positive to negative, and they're given the role of pioneers who plow the land and sing zionist songs. The imagined world of the filmmakers becomes so real eventually they lose sight of the thin line between fantasy and reality.                                                                      Along the way there are also many references to other films and genres: the samurai flicks of Kurosawa, westerns, the pop films by Richard lester, the meal scene from Tom Jones and many others.                                                                      The film was made by a bunch of (very talented) friends Zohar gathered, and they shot it with their own funds, as a “collective flick”, another aspect of it that sets it apart from the rest of the production in the country.



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