简介:This series is above the expectations they had about it. It is very fast (beyond the tempo of each episode) conflicts are able to develop and resolve in each episode. Which for one as a spectator is very good since the rhythm is never lost.
On the other hand, humor management is constant and gives it its point of grace so that conflicts, which are very deep, can occur with a li...
简介:Brilliant playwright, Lisa, no longer writes. She lives in Switzerland with her family but her heart has stayed in Berlin, beating to the rhythm of her brother's heart. The ties between the twins have grown stronger since Sven was diagnosed with an aggressive type of leukemia. He's a famous theater actor and Lisa refuses to accept his fate, moving heaven and earth to get him ba...
简介:系列剧“父亲的孩子”是一项谈及国王和王室的项目剧目,共有五部剧,包括“在云端”、“心向黎明”、“爱之债”、“沐浴王泽”、“心中的星光”,是浪漫喜剧系列剧,由Mild & Work公司制作,为晚间档剧目。
??????????????: 沐浴王泽 Lookmai Kong Por Series: Tai Rom Bai Pak
?????????????:爱之债 Lookmai Kong Por Series: Look Nee Tee Ruk
????????????:心中的星光 Lookmai Kong Por Series: Saeng Dao Klang Jai
?????????:在云端 Look Mai Korng Por Series: Nai Marn Mek
? ????????????:心向黎明 ...