

  • 欧美剧第三者 第一季

    主演:Ellie White Lauren Socha Siobhan Finneran 


    简介:After Colin Walcott drops dead at his birthday party his wife Tess and daughter Cat discover he had a long-term mistress Marilyn by whom he has a daughter Cath. An irate Tess throws out ...

  • 恐怖片死亡之棚

    主演:迈克尔·贝里曼 Lauren Socha 比尔·莫斯利 


    简介:Trevor is 'between jobs'. He spends his days avoiding his nagging heifer of a wife by hiding out in his allotment shed and painting figurines for his wargames with his agoraphobic friend, Graham, and dreaming of his heroic alter-ego, the battle mage Casimir the Destroyer. When Mr Parsons, one of the other allotment tenants, petitions to have Trevor removed from his disgrace of a plot (he's not there to grow stuff!) an argument ensues that leaves Trevor with a corpse to hide. Unfortunately, this untimely accident coincides with the zombie apocalypse and Mr Parsons' return is just the beginnings of Trevor's problems. More pressing is whether or not he should try and save his wife and her beautiful best friend, who both he and Graham have a thing for.

  • 欧美剧第三者第一季

    主演:Ellie White Lauren Socha Siobhan Finneran 

    导演:Holly Walsh

    简介:After Colin Walcott drops dead at his birthday party his wife Tess and daughter Cat discover he had a long-term mistress Marilyn by whom he has a daughter Cath. An irate Tess throws out ...

  • 欧美剧超能少年第三季

    主演:Joe Gilgun Iwan Rheon Lauren Socha Antonia Thomas Nathan Stewart-Jarrett 

    导演:Howard Overman

    简介:新成员的加入,全新的超能力,超能少年五人行再度袭来!   上一季中,超能少年们把自己的超能力都卖了出去,而这一季,则讲述他们得到新能力后的故事。凯莉(劳伦·索恰 Lauren Socha饰)成了一个火箭专家,对于她来说这能力似乎一无是处;科蒂斯(内森·斯图尔特-贾瑞特 Nathan Stewart-Jarrett 饰)可以转换性别,这让他陷入一场奇怪的恋爱中;艾丽莎(安东尼娅·托马斯 Antonia Thomas 饰)可以看到别人所经历的事情;西蒙(尤恩·雷昂 Iwan Rheon 饰)能够预见未来,他努力让自己变得更强,更接近未来的西蒙,而女友艾丽莎似乎不理解……   一次意外事件,四个超能少年与拥有分身能力的鲁迪(约瑟夫·吉尔根 Joseph Gilgun 饰)联系在一起,他们还因此重新回到了社区中心。新成员,新能力,超能少年的故事延续着……

  • 欧美剧我欲为人第五季

    主演:Michael Socha Kate Bracken Damien Molony 

    导演:Philip John

    简介:As ghost Alex adjusts to life after death with werewolf Tom and vampire Hal, we meet poisonous pensioner Captain Hatch, behind whose foul exterior lurks an ancient evil.

  • 喜剧片斯文加利

    主演:Martin Freeman Michael Socha Matt Berry 

    导演:John Hardwick


  • 动画片爱情游戏


    导演:Michal Socha

    简介:用诙谐幽默的眼光区看男女之间关系发展的几个阶段:相识,跳舞,有共同的兴趣,最后是性爱 — 爱情的步骤往往是荒唐可笑的。

  • 喜剧片痴心卡罗尔2

    主演:彼得·亚当奇克 Malgorzata Socha Marta Zmuda 

    导演:Piotr Weresniak

    简介:查尔斯(彼得·亚当奇克 Piotr Adamczyk 饰)是普世意义上的那种成功男人,拥有一份收入优渥的工作,一幢大别墅,一个性感美丽对他死心塌地的女友玛利亚(玛戈扎塔·索莎 Malgorzata Socha 饰),当然,他的“成功”还不止于此,在和玛利亚恩恩爱爱的同时,查尔斯还有另外三个情人旺达(玛尔歌泽塔·弗雷姆夏克 Malgorzata Foremniak 饰)、宝莲娜(玛塔·祖达 Marta Zmuda 饰)和爱莲娜(卡塔芝娜·扎瓦兹卡 Katarzyna Zawadzka 饰),这是三个性格截然不同的女人,带给了查尔斯三种迥异的体验。   查尔斯自以为自己在四个女人间周旋的十分自如,可纸是包不住火的,最终,他的风流韵事还是给玛利亚知道了,玛利亚决定对这个负心汉进行报复。



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