

  • 剧情片至关紧要的岁月

    主演:Jirí Sykora Jana Stehnová 弗拉多·米勒 


    简介:Although the title would indicate this feature has a religious theme, it refers only to men between the ages of 30 and 33. Juraj (Jiri Sykora) is a recent graduate of the art institute who is uncertain about his future as a painter. His brother Andrej (Vlado Mueller) is the businessman who has the confidence his brother lacks but is troubled by his strained marriage to his wife...

  • 剧情片鸟,孤儿和愚人

    主演:菲利普·阿夫龙 Jirí Sýkora 玛格达·瓦沙里奥娃 


    简介:导演其实在开篇的旁白里就已经说出了故事的结局,电影是一出悲剧。但却是以喜剧的形式讲述的。 三名孤儿,安德列、尤里克与玛尔塔。其实都是成年人,但他们的行为却如孩子般天真。三人住在一所战争中被炸毁的教堂里。有趣的是,这所教堂竟然还有个房东,他也是个孤儿。胖胖的,可爱的老头, 贪吃、爱玩,喜欢弹钢琴。安德列与尤里克本是好友,但自从犹太女孩玛尔塔到来之后,他们的关系变得异常微妙。尤里克无缘由地被抓进监狱。一年出狱后,发现已经是物是人非。他们的将来会何去何从呢? 片中的鸟儿,是指人死后灵魂的象征物;愚人,也可以说是“傻瓜”,是指那些在战争中失去理智的疯子或者被别人称为是有理性的那些人。 剧中经常出现不合常理、超现实的人物、场景。

  • 喜剧片植物园的狂欢

    主演:Slavoj Urban Jirí Sýkora 尼娜·蒂维斯科娃 


    简介:8/ 《植物园的狂欢》(Slavnost V Botanickej Zahrade/The Gala in the Botanical Garden,1969),87分钟,黑白+彩色,导演:Elo Havetta                                                                      六十年代最具创造力的斯洛伐克电影之一,依我的看法这部影片代表了东欧魔幻现实主义电影的最高水准。哈维塔的首部影片,用荒诞夸张的情节来表现斯洛伐克人民的悲欢离合,其中黑白与彩色交织的影像来自著名的斯洛伐克摄影师斯蒙西奇(Dodo Simoncic)。

  • 喜剧片至关紧要的岁月

    主演:Jirí Sýkora Jana Stehnová 弗拉多·米勒 


    简介:Although the title would indicate this feature has a religious theme, it refers only to men between the ages of 30 and 33. Juraj (Jiri Sykora) is a recent graduate of the art institute who is uncertain about his future as a painter. His brother Andrej (Vlado Mueller) is the businessman who has the confidence his brother lacks but is troubled by his strained marriage to his wife. Juraj falls for his brother's wife, while Andrej falls for Juraj's girl Jana (Jana Hernova), but Andrej's death in a car crash puts an end to the two unconventional love affairs. The appeal of the film is the interaction of the two brothers that strikes a resounding note of familiarity to any audience. —— Dan Pavlides, All Movie Guide



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