

  • 剧情片放大

    主演:瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫 莎拉·米尔斯 戴维·海明斯 约翰·卡索 简·伯金 吉莲·希尔斯 彼得·鲍勒斯 范若施卡·冯·兰朵夫 朱利安·沙格兰 克洛德·沙格兰 Jeff Beck 罗伊·贝克 苏珊·布罗德里克 周采芹 胡利奥·科塔萨尔 Chris Dreja Harry Hutchinson 戴森·洛福尔 Jim McCarty 佩姬·莫菲特 吉米·佩吉 Keith Relf Janet Street-P 


    简介:真相与幻想之间的界限是什么?感官是否能助我们认识世界?影片用一个摄影师的故事,铺开了一系列哲学、心理学的问号。   主角是摄影师托马斯(戴维·海明斯 David Hemmings饰),某天他在公园里抓拍到年轻情侣的系列照片,出人意表的是,照片中的一个女子简(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave饰)竟然不惜一切代价要回她的底片。这让托马斯非常疑惑,他相信这张照片许是拍下了某些不可告人的秘密。果然,他把照片放大后,看到了一具尸体和一个拿着枪的人。   一桩谋杀案的雏形在托马斯脑中展开。他前往公园寻到了尸体,但没有人肯相信他的推测,朋友们不愿意和他一起调查这是怎么回事。第二天,当托马斯再次来到公园,发现尸体已经消失无踪。只剩下一群人进行着一场虚拟的网球赛,打着并不存在的的网球。

  • 欧美剧嗜血法医:杀魔新生 第一季

    主演:迈克尔·C·豪尔/克兰西·布朗/约翰·利思戈/杰米·钟/詹妮弗·卡朋特/茱莉亚·琼斯/约翰尼·斯奎娅/杰克·阿尔科特/Alano Miller/迈克尔·西里尔·克赖顿/大卫·马吉道夫/史蒂文·罗伯特森/Kevin Pasdon/Katy Sullivan/Charlie Thurston/Michelle Lulic/Michael Malvesti 


    简介:  Showtime宣布给《嗜血法医 Dexter》预定10集限定剧!这部改编自小说系列的剧由Michael C. Hall主演,过去共8季,讲述男主Dexter Morgan在迈阿密警局中当血液分析师,但同时他亦是个专门找罪犯下手的连环杀人狂。                                                                      限定剧预定21年初开始拍摄,同年秋档播出,主演Michael C. Hall及制作人Clyde Phillips皆会回归

  • 欧美剧克洛伊的完美生活

    主演:艾琳·多尔蒂 波佩·吉尔伯特 杰克·法辛 比利·豪尔 布兰登·迈克尔·霍尔 皮帕·贝内特-华纳 Akshay Khanna 丽莎·帕弗瑞 埃斯特拉·丹尼尔斯 Jack Christou 多米尼克·博伊尔 Samantha E. Hunt 丹尼尔·贝茨 Scott Rose-Marsh Amy Burton-Smith 

    导演:艾丽斯·西布赖特,Amanda Boyle

    简介:故事讲述Becky Green在社交平台上关注Chloe Fairbourne有一段时间了,看着对方分享各种完美的生活照片。Chloe有着迷人的生活,一个爱她的丈夫,以及一群颇有成就、随叫随到的朋友。这样一种与自己境遇形成鲜明对比的生活,让Becky总是忍不住要去关注。   Becky的母亲患有早发性痴呆症,她一直以来都在布里斯托尔郊区海边的小公寓里照顾母亲。当Chloe突然去世,Becky伪造了一个新身份,以此潜入Chloe密友那令人羡慕的生活之中,试图查明白Chloe身上到底发生了什么。

  • 动作片借名危机

    主演:ErwinBozzolini SannedenHartogh DaanSchuurmans 



  • 剧情片旋转门

    主演:Monique Jean-Louis 雅克·佩诺 缪缪 Hubert Charlotte 


    简介:Set in a small Quebec town in the late-1920′s, this emotional drama follows the life and exploits of Celeste Beaumont, a talented young pianist who gains local celebrity at the town movie theater for her gifts as a silent film pianist.   Awkward Pierre Blaudell is her biggest fan and eventually marries her.   Shortly after this she bears his son, Pierre, who joins the army.   She insists on joining him at the base and his meddlesome, snooty parents insist she give them her son.   Pierre is killed in the war, and Celeste flees to New York where she finds steady employment as a jazz pianist.   She finds a life-long companion with a black musician and chronicles her experiences in a diary that she passes on to her son after he grows up.   Her son becomes a painter and once his own son, Antoine, is grown, reads him the story of Celeste, the youth’s grandmother.   Intrigued, Antoine heads to the Big Apple in hopes of finding her.                                                                    This movie is an emotional drama about how Antoine, played beautifully by François Méthé, discovers the details of his heritage.   This film won many awards in Canada and at Cannes in 1988.   François Méthé, who was about 11-years-old, never acted again after this movie.                                                                    From IMDb:                                                                    A quiet painter, separated from his wife for a year, receives a suitcase in the mail from his mother, whom he hasn’t seen since infancy.   He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy, paternal grandparents.   The suitcase contains mementos and a diary, a long letter to him, written over the years, with details of her youth, her first job as a pianist at a cinema, the coming of talkies, her marriage, and how he came to live with his grandparents.   As he reads through the materials and her story comes to life, his son Antoine, who’s about 10 or 12, tries to break through his father’s silence and sorrow by taking matters into his own hands.

  • 动作片梦幻拍档

    主演:罗慧娟 石少麟 林文龙 冼灏英 曾守明 庄域飞 Chi Ming Woo 黄美芬 Man-Chun Lau Yuk Sing Chan 曾健明 Chi-Shing Hung 计祥龙 


    简介:阿龙与阿娟是重案组探员,他们在工作上由于性格,办案作风的不同,造成不少冲突。阿娟是阿龙的上司,令龙在工作上苦不堪言,由于要缉拿极端残暴的头号通缉犯,重案组日夜守在通缉犯女友居所外,以期通缉犯出现。  后阿龙设计结识通缉犯女友,以引蛇出洞。在与通缉犯周旋、斗智、斗勇的过程中,他们不惜用性命来保护对方。并最终将罪犯拘捕。

  • 欧美剧名利游戏

    主演:Sheena Chohan 拉杰什里·德什潘德 桑杰·卡普尔 马纳夫·卡尔 苏哈西妮·穆雷 Lakshvir Saran Muskkaan Jaferi Shubhangi Latkar Gagan Arora 玛杜丽·迪克西特 Abhishek Khandekar 



  • 动画片奇幻森林之兽语小子

    主演:Arieb Azhar Natasha Humera Ejaz Azfar Jafri Abdul Nabi Jamali Ali Rehman Khan Muhammad Usman Malik Ali Noor Anum Zaidi 

    导演:Uzair Zaheer Khan


  • 剧情片沉寂之桥(普通话版)

    主演:Lee Remick Marlee Matlin Michael O'Keefe 

    导演:Karen Arthur

    简介:Marg Duffield (Lee Remick) is the Maine wife of Al (Joseph Sommer) whose daughter Peg (Marlee Matlin) is deaf. Peg's husband is killed in a car accident on the way to visit the Maine house, and the Duffield's take in Peg's six year old daughter, Lisa, while Peg recovers. Since Lisa is a speaking child, Marg thinks of her the way she wanted Peg to be, and seeks guardian custody. Remick's role is secondary to Matlin's, though she is presented as a tragic figure, particularly as Al refuses to help her plan to gain Lisa. Peg's deafness is said to be from a childhood case of spinal meningitis, and the teleplay by Louisa Burns-Bisogno, with story by Louisa and Tom Bisogno, reduces Remick to a textbook mother who is self-hating from guilt and therefore cannot love her own daughter. In a memorable scene, Peg angrily signs her exit to Marg, since Marg has refused to learn sign language, though Peg has learned to speak for her mother. The treatment uses the Tennesee Williams play, The Glass Menagerie, for therapy, to help Peg overcome her grief and also Marg `lose her unicorn horn' and embrace her daughter. Whilst Peg choosing to act in this play may seem an odd choice for someone grieving, what is more noticable is that Matlin is far too more glamourous to be believable as Laura. The Bisogno's include Michael O'Keefe as Dan, Peg's deceased husband's best friend and director of Actors Theatre for the Deaf, to offer Peg a new romantic interest, and thankfully she rebukes his protestations of love. Although his opinion may be influenced by his `crush', Dan tells Peg that being different is better than being normal, since the normal ones are as `common as weeds'. This philosophy reads as rather Nietzschean, on the level of artists not being restricted to the common moral code. Director Karen Arthur either has those signing also speaking or those signing being translated for the audience, though in one scene the sound of lapping waves drowns out the dialogue between Dan and Peg. She also gives Matlin some good moments, one being her scream of horror when she hears the news of the death of her husband, and another when she chases Remick down a flight of steps, hitting her.

  • 动作片浴血战士

    主演:盖瑞·丹尼尔斯 Mike Norris Bentley Mitchum 约翰·里斯-戴维斯 Ze'ev Revach 

    导演:Joseph Zito


  • 欧美综艺巅峰拍档 第八季

    主演:杰里米·克拉克森 理查德·哈蒙德 詹姆斯·梅 Ben Collins 

    导演:Brian Klein,Gary Broadhurst

    简介:The boys attempt to turn an old Renault Espace people carrier and turn it into a convertible people carrier. Richard road tests a pink Nissan Micra convertible. James road tests the funky new Honda Civic. Jeremy road test Sweden's outrageous supercar, the Koenigsegg CCX. The boys said good buy to the Suzuki Liana and welcome the new Chevrolet Lacetti as the new Reasonably Price Car.

  • 欧美剧法律与秩序 第七季

    主演:杰里·奥尔巴赫/本杰明·布拉特/埃帕莎·默克森/萨姆·沃特森/凯莉·洛维/Steven Hill 

    导演:埃德温·谢林/Constantine Makris/杰斯·亚历山大/Vincent Misiano/Matthew Penn/Christopher Misiano/Lewis H. Gould/Brian Mertes/Dan Karlok/Arthur W. Forney/David Platt

    简介:  纽约警察和检察官的故事,跨越15个春秋,1990年首播,至今仍受到亿万观众瞩目的长剧。                                                                              law & order第55届艾美奖最大的遗憾,已连续11年入围剧情类最佳电视剧奖提名的这部热门电视剧,这次却意外地未被提名,粉碎了它原本想要缔造的12次提名新高。                                                                              本片融警匪与法庭于一体的电视剧,片中讲述的犯罪基本原于真实生活,往往是近期报纸上的头条新闻。节目分为两部分,上半部分介绍警察研究现场,征询证人,提审嫌疑犯等一系列的侦破活动,后半部分详尽记录了案件侦破的后期工作,案件转交到检查官手里,检查官衡量案情,起诉,直到庭审,节奏紧凑,扣人心弦。由于最终坏人不一定被绳之于法,所以观众看的时候往往暗自捏一把汗。                                                                              这个剧集除了已经播出的15季之外,还包括3个特别的系列,一个是                                                                              Special Victims meijubar.net Unit 系列(6季),一个是C...

  • 剧情片印度爆玉米花 Chutney Popcor

    主演:尼萨·加纳特 吉尔·亨内斯 沙基纳·贾弗里 尼克·齐兰德 玛德赫·杰佛里 卡拉·布欧诺 


    简介:When married Sarita discovers she can't have children, for the first time in their lives Reena can do something her perfect sister Sarita can't: get pregnant. Obsessed with helping her sister and winning her mom's approval, Reena decides she'll have the baby and then give it to her sister and brother-in-law, Mitch. Now she just needs to convince her commitment-phobic girlfriend to go along with the idea. With Indian traditions on the one hand and modern New York City values on the other, Chutney Popcorn is a provocative new comedy that shows you can find family somewhere between the two.

  • 动作片卫斯理之蓝血人(普通话版)

    主演:刘德华 关之琳 舒淇 Thomas James Hudak Jr. 


    简介:卫斯理(刘德华)是联合国外星生物分析局的特别成员,负责处理地球上一切和外星生物有关的事件。某次在古董店参观一块奇异的蓝色“人骨”时,韦斯利遇到少时曾有过一面之缘的、外表看来和一般美女无异的、血液是蓝色的外星人方天涯(关芝琳),当他想将其留住时,方天涯消失了。 古董店附近 发生了一宗外星生物突袭事件,美国隶属FBI的外星生物调查机构接到上级命令,派出队中精英白素(舒淇)和白奇伟(张耀扬)兄妹领队到现场调查,众人与具有A级战斗力的外星生物展开交战。闻得风声的卫斯理也前来助阵,无奈不敌强大的敌手身受重伤,方天涯及时现身以奇异力量救出韦斯利,两人就此开始一段离奇情缘©豆瓣



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